Stewart Park

Middlesbrough, middlesbrough

National Parks
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Where are we going?

Address: Stewart Park, The Grove, Middlebrough, TS7 8AR, North Yorkshire, Middlesbrough How do we get there? Number: 01642 300202
Image copyright remains with original owners Attractions in Middlesbrough All Photo
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About this activity

Stewart Park is located in Middlesborough and covers around 120 acres, with open parklands and woodlands for the whole family to enjoy! It's one of seven parks in Middleborough to hold the Green Flag Award.

At the park you'll find a pets corner. They have animals such as rabbits and guinea pigs, deer, llamas and goats and you can get involved in the handling and feeding of them too. You'll also find a children's play area with lots of equipment for the kids to burn off some energy and outdoor table tennis! 

The park plays host to a variety of events all year round, from markets, fairgrounds and music events, so make sure to check out the website before you visit so you know what's happening. 

The park is filled with old and rare trees and you can download a map on the website to help you spot them as you're walking around. There's lots of wildlife too, such as geese, ducks and water fowl on the lakes. 

There's lots of open space for ball games, picnic space and the kids to enjoy nature on a hot summers day! 

Activity location


Located off Stokesley Road

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Stewart Park FAQ’s

Food is available from the park cafe, or from Cook's Cafe at the museum.

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