Reigate Caves

Reigate, surrey

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Where are we going?

Address: Reigate Caves, Tunnel Road, off High Street, Reigate, RH2 9AA, Surrey, Surrey How do we get there? Number: null
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About this activity

Reigate Caves is open for public visits as your tour will include the Barons Cave in the castle grounds and the east and west caverns in Tunnel Road! You'll experience what lies beneath your feet in Reigate! 

The tours are run by the helpful volunteers and will take you around and give you lots of interesting facts along the way! The town of Reigate is well known for its caves which fill the town centre, and the castle mound is composted of soft sandstone and has been mined over several centuries. And many of its excavations still remain today! 

The Barons Cave suggests that it was once a special and important feature of the castle and the oldest references dates bate to 1568! Throughout the cave, you'll see the work of sand diggers too and many alcoves dug into the walls and has been attracted by graffiti artists. The guided tour lasts for around 45 minutes too. 

During the Tunnel Road tour, you'll be guided around and be told the history of the cave from the beginning as a sand mine throughout to the present day and lasts for around 60 minutes. There's plenty to see and learn! 

Activity location


There are a number of local Pay and Display car parks within walking distance of the caves. Please allow plenty of time on your parking ticket to complete the tours you are booked on.

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How much does it cost?



Price available on booking



Price available on booking


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Reigate Caves FAQ’s

The caves have a fairly constant temperature of 55F/13°C and are a little damp. You are advised to dress for an autumn day and although it isn’t muddy in the caves old clothes are advised just in case. Footwear should be sensible as the floor is uneven and sandy.

Unfortunately the Barons’ Cave is really not suitable for those with significant mobility difficulties.

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