Flinders Chase National Park

Flinders Chase, SA National Parks Unclaimed
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About Flinders Chase National Park

There is nothing quite like visiting the beautiful and iconic Flinders Chase Nation­al Park, which really is a must for any Kan­ga­roo Island family adven­ture.

This stunning national park features vast wilderness, with features including the icon­ic Remark­able Rocks, as well as Admi­rals Arch and a very cheeky long-nosed fur seal colony.

The Remarkable Rocks sit high on ancient rocky plat­forms above the oceans waters, with their sur­re­al shapes and gold­en orange colours offerings amazing pho­to oppor­tu­ni­ties, so don't forget those camereas!

Then you have Admi­rals Arch at Cape du Couedic which is not only an impres­sive rock arch that has been weath­ered over thou­sands of years, but it’s also home to that popular colony of long-nosed fur seals.

What's important to note about Flinders Chase Nation­al Park is that the area is still recov­er­ing nat­u­ral­ly from the horrendous 2019 – 20 sum­mer bush­fires, which burnt 96 per cent of the park. Your visit to the area can help support this recovery process.

However, as bush­fires have long formed an inte­gral part in shap­ing the Aus­tralian land­scape for mil­lions of years, seeing many native plant and wildlife species able to adapt­, survive and thrive. So it's great to see that a number of species including goan­nas, koalas, kan­ga­roos and echid­nas are reg­u­lar­ly spot­ted throughout the park.

A remarkable nature-filled journey awaits at Flinders Chase National Park!

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Adults Site entry from $13.00

Children Site entry from $13.00

Last Update 2023

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Flinders Chase National Park FAQ’s

I’m Hungry! Can I get food at Flinders Chase National Park?

It's always a good idea to go prepared with plenty of food and water when travelling to Australian national parks.

Any top tips when visiting?

Take care dri­ving at all times and par­tic­u­lar­ly at dawn and dusk, pack enough water and snacks for your vis­it, and leave no trace. This will give their bush­land the best chance of recovery.

The park has lim­it­ed toi­lets, there is no food or drink avail­able for pur­chase through­out the park.

Any additonal information?

There are some great accommodation and camping options for you to really make the most of your stay.

No pets are welcome within the park due to the delicate wildlife.