Martin Luther King Jr Day!

Martin Luther King Jr Day!
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January 15th is Martin Luther King Jr Day - so why not take the family out to commemorate this great man that changed the history of America?

January 15th is Martin Luther King Jr Day - so why not take the family out to commemorate this great man that changed the history of America?

Martin Luther King Jr was an American Baptist minister, as well as an activist who became the leader and face of the Civil Rights Movement.

His story is an important one for kids to learn, so let's check out a few places you can visit to commemorate one of the most important figures in American history.

National Civil Rights Museum at the Lorraine Hotel

450 Mulberry Street, Memphis, TX

In celebration of the holiday, this fascinating museum is open 8am - 6pm, with a $5 special admission, as well as main stage entertainment and children's activities.

If you donate food to the Mid-South Food Bank, the admission is $3!=

Highlights of the day are tours that show you original art from the vault - and rarely seen by public, children's activity tent from 10am - 4pm with storytelling, puppets, and arts and crafts, and plenty of music!

For more information check out their King Day page

The King Center

449 Auburn Avenue, NE Atlanta, GA

Did you know that more than a million people make their way to The King Center as a pilgrimage to be inspired and pay their respects to this great man. It was envisaged by it's founder to be "no dead monument, but a living memorial filled with all the vitality that was his, a center for human endeavor, committed to causes which he lived and died"

For more information you can check out their webpage

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.

Free at last, Free at last, Thank God almighty we are free at last.

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